OTEC Training Solutions woman in the computer planning training

Carroll Blair

Carroll’s dedication to learning, change management and organizational development attracted her to the work of OTEC. She is particularly interested in the people side of building a business and the critical need for Service Excellence. Carroll brings over 15 years of designing and delivering sustainable workshops through virtual delivery, eLearning courses and facilitating in person classes.

Working with individuals, teams and corporations Carroll effectively integrates organizational competencies into all the coaching and courses she delivers. She applies the benefits of using psychometric tools such as Personality Dimensions, MBTI and DISC so that learners can appreciate the different strengths’ everyone brings to the table.  She also invites participants to create an accessible and bias-reduced learning environment for all.

Carroll has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Studies from York University, a Certificate in Adult Education and On-line Training from Seneca Polytechnical and years of participation and practice in project management and communications techniques.


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