What We Do

Initially established in 1991 by government, education and industry stakeholders as Ontario’s leader in tourism and hospitality training, labour market development and workforce strategy, today OTEC is known for its agility in creating innovative solutions for the future of work across Canada and internationally. OTEC connects and aligns key players across industries and sectors – including businesses, educational institutions, associations, research and technology partners, local employment and training providers, and all levels of government – working in collaboration to create solutions to address current and future workforce challenges.

People have always been at the core of the hospitality and tourism industry.  OTEC’s commitment to positive social impact is seen through its support of some of the most vulnerable populations – including refugees, newcomers to Canada, indigenous populations, workers without post-secondary education, and younger people.

Our Partnerships

The strength of OTEC’s professional alliances through a vast network of partners allows the organization to collaborate, design, and deliver programs and services that support a diverse range of sectors – including tourism, hospitality, healthcare, transportation, police, financial services, and employment. OTEC’s partners include large and small companies, numerous Destination Marketing Organizations, Chambers of Commerce, and BIAs.

Partners include:


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