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January O-NEWS

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
– John. F. Kennedy

Many employers are experiencing challenges recruiting and retaining employees, a situation that will only get worse with increasing labour and skills shortages. Many are also realizing that investing in their leadership teams is one of the best solutions to retaining talent and growing high-performance teams. OTEC has seen this trend emerge over the past number of years and has created a leading edge program to provide leaders with the essential skills they need to be productive in supervising and managing their teams.

The LX – Leadership Xelerator program provides new or emerging supervisors and managers with the knowledge, skills, and tools essential for effective leadership and success. Over two consecutive days, OTEC’s boot-camp style program focuses on the vital role managers and supervisors play in leading organizations to develop and perform successfully in the workplace.

This boot camp can be delivered at your organization, or at OTEC, and will equip leaders with communication, leadership, team building, training, and coaching skills in an action-packed, highly interactive and engaging workshop format. Learn more about the specific program details here!

Price: $799 per person + applicable tax.

Book your 2018 Leadership Workshop by February 14th & SAVE $40 per person!*
(*This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other promotion and is based on a minimum of 10 participants.)


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