Skills for Success Demonstration Project

In partnership with the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC), the project brings the Government of Canada’s Skills for Success model to life through customized training aligned with the Tourism and Hospitality sector’s skills development priorities: OTEC’s Accelerated Leadership Series.

Newcomer GPS

Newcomer GPS: Exploring an Integrated Digital Pathway to Settlement was an OTEC-led research project that tested the integrated technology solution CareerAtlas within Service Provider Organizations (SPO) pre-arrival and hybrid settlement services in Canada.

Tourism and Hospitality Emergency Recovery (THER)

Funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre, the THER project leveraged OTEC’s workforce development collaboration and capacity-building approach to support workforce recovery planning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project Integrate

Career pathways have become less predictable and today’s youth face significant challenges making sense of the ever-changing world of work. For those just entering the workforce, understanding and navigating the labour market in more personalized, responsive and targeted ways is essential.


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